Normal Things

My oldest daughter moved out earlier this month. She was so excited. I’m excited for her.

It may not have been the most ideal time to move out, in the middle of a “pandemic”. But what struck me, what really stood out to me, was that she was doing something completely normal during a not-so-normal time.

It was rather unceremonious, as basically everything else has been this year. But it was momentous for her, for us. She did a happy dance when she found out she got the place. She moved in with someone who needed a new roommate; I’m glad she won’t be alone during this time. Her roommate has cats, too, which is a big bonus for my daughter––she was really wanting to get one.

A bunch of “normal” things and “normal” moments. I remember thinking to myself, as she was prepping and packing, “Wow, look at this kid, moving out on her own during a time like this. People are still doing normal things.” The fear and anxiety that is in the air for so many, seemed to just fade away, and here we were just having a normal moment, doing normal things. It just made it feel like everything is going to be ok.

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