I LOVE my Body!

I LOVE my body! I was going to say something like, “It’s not perfect, but I love it.”  But the truth is, it is perfect. It’s exactly what I need, it’s part of me, I love it and it’s mine.

I’m not talking about looking in the mirror and admiring my body (though I do that) and thinking that every part of me looks exactly the way I want it to. Instead, I’m talking about loving my body where love is a verb. I spend time moving my body through exercise, calming my mind through meditation and practicing energy medicine every single day. I eat foods that I love, (and yes, that includes candy and chips, etc!), I wear what makes me feel comfortable and beautiful. I do all these things not because I think they are things I should do but because I want my body to know that I love and value it. And because of these things I can look in the mirror and say, “I love my body!”

I flex my muscles, I put my hands on my hips, I smile at myself and tell myself I am fabulous, beautiful and made for greatness… when I feel like it and even when I don’t. And in those moments, when it’s more talk than feeling, my body gives me a hug and says, “I love you too.”


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