
Know Yourself, Love Yourself, Be Yourself

That’s not just a pretty tagline, it’s a way of Being that I strongly believe is not only possible but essential for any One who is tired of waiting for a Saviour.

As an Integrative Medicine Specialist and Transformationalist, I’m passionate about equipping individuals with the tools, techniques and knowledge they need to tap into their own Inner Authority and live an Empowered and Authentic life from the inside out!


Highly personalized self-care from a holistic perspective. A chance to listen to what your body is trying to tell you and to really come home to yourself.

Learn more about BodyTalk


Could you benefit from more energy? Better Sleep? Greater immune function? Reduction of swelling and chronic pain? Emotional release?  Then a Lymphatic Support session is for you.

Learn more about Lymphatic Support


A series of touch points on the head lightly stimulated, results in more energy, less stress, better sleep, detoxification and more.

Learn more about Access Bars


A gentle technique that aids the body in releasing stress and tension by creating deep relaxation, which in turn promotes health and healing. Restores energy balance and vitality by relieving the physical and emotional effects of unreleased stress.

Learn more about Reiki

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“Helena is an excellent BodyTalk Practitioner. She has a particular skill in supporting abundance in one’s business, or practice. Following one session, my client appointments tripled the following week. In another case of stalled registrations for an event, registrations came piling in after another session and the event ended up being sold out. Lots of factors may play out in these, but ABSOLUTELY Helena’s support is a key one of them. —Jen OC

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Schedule Appointment

Ph: 204-229-9990

Email: info@helenamorales.com

Find Helena Morales on Facebook and Instagram @coreholistic  – TBH, Helena has been on a social media fast since the Covid-induced cancel-culture became too blah! You can reach out there, but your chances are better with a phone call or email. 😉